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If you're want to quickly see what Contember can do, check out our Headless CMS template. It's the easiest way to try out what Contember can do in minutes.

Create new project with Contember#

In this tutorial we will show you how to setup both Contember Engine and Contember Admin to create your first project.

npm exec "@contember/create@latest" quickstart

It will create a new folder with basic Contember setup. After it is done:

cd quickstart

And then install dependencies:

And you're ready to go. Just start Docker containers and Contember will be running.

docker-compose up

Now, administration UI should be running on address http://localhost:1480.

administration is running

Started services

For advanced use-cases there is also:

Create first project#

From the first step you should have a folder structure that looks like this:

โ”œโ”€โ”€ admin/
โ”‚ โ”œโ”€โ”€ index.html
โ”‚ โ”œโ”€โ”€ index.tsx
โ”‚ โ”œโ”€โ”€ components/
โ”‚ โ”œโ”€โ”€ pages/
โ”‚ โ””โ”€โ”€ vite-env.d.ts
โ”œโ”€โ”€ api/
โ”‚ โ”œโ”€โ”€ acl.ts
โ”‚ โ”œโ”€โ”€ index.ts
โ”‚ โ”œโ”€โ”€ migrations/
โ”‚ โ””โ”€โ”€ model/
โ”œโ”€โ”€ node_modules/
โ”œโ”€โ”€ contember.yaml
โ”œโ”€โ”€ docker-compose.yaml
โ”œโ”€โ”€ package-lock.json
โ”œโ”€โ”€ package.json
โ””โ”€โ”€ tsconfig.json

Create your first data model#

First you have to tell Contember Engine, how your data model looks like. The init command automatically created api/model/index.ts file, so go there.

Here you start defining your project schema. Really simple example looks like this:

import { SchemaDefinition as d } from "@contember/schema-definition";
export class Article {
title = d.stringColumn();
content = d.stringColumn();
  1. Import SchemaDefinition so you'll get TypeScript autocompletion.
  2. Define your fist entity - Article. For this example let's just add two columns named title and content, both are string.

Then you need to generate a database migration for Contember Engine:

npm run contember migrations:diff quickstart add-article
Contember CLI

npm run contember is a Contember CLI, if you call this command you'll see all the available commands. We'll use migrations:diff command. It goes through your schema and generates migration - instructions for Contember how to get from previous state to your new one. This command needs two parameters: first is name of your project (quickstart in our example) and then name your migration. It can be anything you want.

Run this command and choose an option Yes and execute immediately. It will create your migration and after confirmation execute it. Now if you would look into your database, you would see there a table article with three columns: id, title, content. Nice.

Create your administration UI#

Now we have something we want to edit in UI. Let's start by adding a listing page for our articles.

Add listing page#

Go to admin/pages and create new file Articles.tsx.

import { TablePage, TableCell, Field } from "@contember/admin";
export const ArticleList = (
<TablePage entities="Article" pageName="articles">
<Field field="title" />
  1. Import @contember/admin package for TypeScript autocompletion.
  2. Export new ArticleList (you can name it anyway you like)
  3. Use TablePage component to show the data in a simple table.
  4. Tell it which entities you'd like to edit. In our case it's Article (it has to be the same name we used in the model).
  5. Name your list (pageName="article"). Name is used for url in administration.
  6. Tell it what data you want to see. We'll want to see title in our example. (And added it into TableCell which we'll make use of later.)

If you go to localhost:1480/articles you'll see list of your articles. Which is empty as we didn't add any data there yet.

Let's add some data.

Add create page#

import {
} from "@contember/admin";
export const ArticleList = (
export const ArticleCreate = (
<TextField field="title" label="Title" />
<TextAreaField field="content" label="content" />
  1. For simplicity we'll add it to the same file.
  2. This time we'll use CreatePage component.
  3. We'll tell it what we want to add (Article), how is this component named (articleNew).
  4. We'll use two new components - TextField and TextAreaField and tell them what fields to edit.

Now at localhost:1480/article-new you can create new article. And if you go to the list of articles you'll see the data are there.

But it doesn't work very well. One of the things missing is to go to edit mode after you created a new article. So let's start by adding an edit page:

Add edit page#

For simplicity we'll add it to the same file as well. It looks almost the same as the create page - but we have to tell it which article to edit:

import {
} from "@contember/admin";
export const ArticleList = (
export const ArticleCreate = (
export const ArticleEdit = (
entity="Article(id = $id)"
<TextField field="title" label="Title" />
<TextAreaField field="content" label="content" />

Let's use it. We'll redirect users from our create page to the edit page after the article is successfully created:

export const ArticleCreate = (
rendererProps={{ title: "Add a article" }}
redirectOnSuccess={(request, id) => ({
pageName: "article",
parameters: {
<TextField field="title" label="Title" />
<TextAreaField field="content" label="content" />

We added two new things: rendererProps and redirectOnSuccess:

  • rendererProps are pretty simple in this case: just added title so we know that we're on this page,
  • redirectOnSuccess is more complicated: we take user to page with id of the newly created page.

Now if you create a new article you're automatically redirected to the edit page.

What's missing is an edit button in the list of pages.

export const ArticleList = (
<TablePage entities="Article" pageName="articles">
<Field field="title" />
<TableCell shrunk>
<PageLinkById to="article">edit</PageLinkById>
  1. We've added new TableCell and into it a PageLinkById component.
  2. This component is pretty simple - it will create a link to a component called article and sends id as parameter. Which is actually our edit page.
  3. Minor touch is use of shrunk with tells the cell to be as small as possible.

Add pages to side menu#

One last thing is to add our pages to the left sidebar:

import { Menu } from "@contember/admin";
export const Navigation = () => {
return (
<Menu.Item title="Dashboard" to="index" />
<Menu.Item title="Articles" to="articles" />
<Menu.Item title="Create new article" to="articleNew" />

And that's it! You have just created a simple data model and created custom interface, so you can edit the data. If you want you can fetch the data via GraphQL API that was created in the background you can read more in Content API topic.